Thursday, June 9, 2011

Furthur on down the road (goin down the road feeling fairly good)

Onward and upward!!! Saw my cardiologist yesterday and he said "I am not concerned". A medication adjustment(stopped one BP pill) seems to be working. The real test will be tomorrow at rehab and we see if my BP is better. he said thereis not really a problem with it being low unless I feel bad, which I did.

I am thinking that the worst is over(for now). This has been an interesting and educational experience I could have done without. I am still determined to turn it into a good ting. So may people have thanked me for writing about it, and if it helps one person to avoid or respond to similar problems I will happy.

Live long and prosper!

1 comment:

  1. "This has been an interesting and educational experience I could have done without."
    I wrote a story whose moral at the end is, "Some lessons are better if you never learn them."
